Dunkin has hit it big with its emphasis on espresso, and the new Blueberry Crisp latte does not disappoint.
There's probably a few go-to flavors you think of when you think "coffee flavors" - caramel, vanilla, mocha, maybe hazelnut. Blueberry may fall toward the bottom of this list, but I'd urge you to rethink that.
Last month, Dunkin announced three new signature latte flavors, so get your sweet tooth ready. Blueberry Crisp, Caramel Craze and Cocoa Mocha make up the new trio of sugary goodness.
Dunkin isn't in my typical rotation of coffee outings, but I do enjoy a good iced French vanilla cappuccino from a pink and orange straw every once in awhile, and the blueberry crisp latte definitely caught my eye. I recently tried the Wild Mountain Blueberry K-cup from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and my coffee taste was forever changed. It truly tasted like a blueberry muffin in a mug and completely shattered my separation of fruit and coffee. My go-to morning meal has become a hot cup of blueberry coffee with a berry-filled bowl of oatmeal. #breakfastofchampions
Now that I've let blueberry coffee into my life, I knew I had to try the blueberry crisp latte from Dunkin. Verdict: It's delicious, and I made a fatal flaw when ordering that I worried would dampen the experience but actually ended up enhancing it.

My order of a "medium iced blueberry crisp latte" came to $3.99, which is on the pricier side compared to what I usually get from Dunkin, but relatively cheap compared to lattes from other places. I took a sip and felt like I was frolicking in a blueberry field rather than sitting in my car next to a dumpster. The blueberry is STRONG with this one, and I expected nothing less. It reminded me of an iced, creamy version of my aforementioned beloved Wild Mountain Blueberry K-cups.
But I was also pleasantly surprised by how strong the coffee taste was. I had considered getting an extra espresso shot to ward off any of the dreaded milkiness that can often accompany super sweet lattes lacking a strong kick, but I wanted to try this one in its natural form and it did not disappoint. I wasn't planning on actually getting that caffeinated from this, but based on my speedy typing, the drink had other plans for me (could also be the sugar, which I imagine this liquid-blueberry-muffin drink is packed with). Dunkin started emphasizing quality espresso with a big rollout last year, a move that has proved to be well worth it for the company.
You mentioned a flaw? Ugh, yes. As I've mentioned before, I'm basic AF and love all the gimmicky, sugariness of sweet drinks that would make coffee connoisseurs quake and clutch their artisanal beans (is that a thing?).
But I draw the line at whipped cream. I HATE whipped cream. When trying a new frap at Starbucks, I always go "no whip," and I always push the cursed substance off whatever dessert it rode in on. This is totes a personal choice. If you love whipped cream, good for you. Just like I love Sour Patch watermelons mixed into buttered popcorn. It's 2019. Live your life. I just don't like the texture of whipped cream and to me it adds nothing. If you have further questions, please contact my publicist.
Well I FORGOT to say no whipped cream when I was ordering and only realized my mistake when I was waiting for the drink and noticed a picture of it on the menu, the espresso deliciousness drowning under a mound of this suffocating monstrosity. I considered hurling myself over the counter and telling the barista to - for the love of all that is holy - hold the whip, but I knew it was too late when I heard a "whooosh" sound that I knew was the whipped cream being sprayed. I had made a terrible mistake and there was no going back. I was getting a dome lid and there was nothing I could do about it.

Being such a chill and laidback girl, I decided to go with the flow and just enjoy it rather than asking for it to be remade. And... it wasn't that bad. I really felt like I was getting the full blueberry crisp latte experience, so in a way, the whipped cream was a blessing. And it melted into the drink in a really creamy and delicious way, reminding me of the cloud macchiato from Starbucks. The whip also had a caramel drizzle on top, which, if you know how much I dislike caramel, was just another punch to the gut. But even this was pretty tasty, so I guess you could say I broke a lot of barriers for myself today. #growth
I would definitely get the blueberry crisp latte again. But I might ask them to hold the whipped cream... or maybe not.